Waterford girl living in Los Angeles. C.O.O. at California Health & Longevity Institute, Inc. Gadget Freak. Love GTD. Opinions shared here are my own.
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Duchess Meghan’s true colours shine through as her biggest meltdown yet is caught on tape!

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With less than three months until Meghan's due date, the Queen has yet to decree whether Prince Harry and Meghan's offspring will be given an HRH title, with palace insiders tipping their kids will be lords and ladies rather than princes or princesses.

This is in stark contrast to the Queen announcing William and Kate's offspring would all be bestowed with HRH titles while she was six months pregnant with Prince George.

"Meghan can't believe their children are being snubbed like this," says a source.

"She feels she's being punished by the royal family for not fitting in as perfectly as everyone wanted her to, but she refuses to conform to stuffy palace politics.

"There's also a lot of jealousy on Meghan's part about how the household staff fawn all over Kate and have a barely concealed disdain for Meghan."

It's this undercurrent of workers' rebellion in the palace that has, according to insiders, possibly resulted in a staffer recording Meghan.

"No one's sure if it's true that such a recording exists, but the gossip mill's in overdrive. There would be plenty of people who'd love to expose what she's really like," says a source.

"Apparently her meltdown over the royal titles was pretty spectacular, and it focused a lot on her true feelings about Kate.

WATCH: The "Fab Four" step out on Christmas morning. Post continues...

"Word is she's demanding Harry has it out with William once and for all so they can re-establish their dominance."

Perhaps worst of all for the duchess is that recordings of her meltdown come at a time when she's already under scrutiny.

Now naysayers are convinced they were right about her all along, and that beguiling Harry was a plot to become a worldwide phenomenon.

READ NEXT: Will Prince Harry choose Meghan Markle over his royal family?

A source describing themselves as "an acquaintance" recently spilled that, "Meghan's goal was always to become a household name. She's insanely smart and poised but very, very guarded. She's not a person you can actually become friends with."

Unfortunately for Meghan, even though she's got her very own HRH title now – she still isn't being accepted by the senior royals.

According to our insider, she suffered an incredibly deliberate snub by her new sister-in-law just last week that left her further incensed.

"Kate had a gathering for her 37th birthday at Kensington Palace," a source reveals.

"It was her, William, the kids, her mum, dad, sister Pippa and husband [James Matthews]. Harry and Meghan were not invited, which she deemed humiliating.

"Even though they don't get on, the Queen and Prince Charles had asked that they make a good public show of trying to make nice. Poor Kate was so nervous about her own birthday and how to handle the family drama she was almost in tears."

An insider revealed to a US magazine that it's William – not Kate – who Meghan should be ranting about. "Harry desperately wants his wife to be happy and finds it difficult to say no to her. William feels she is tearing the royal family apart," a source said.

Leading royal commentators predict things will only get worse between the brothers and their wives. Lady Colin Campbell – a close friend of the boys' late mum Princess Diana – claims in a new documentary "Harry is beguiled by Meghan" and adds she has "considerably changed him".

"William was quite concerned that the relationship had moved so quickly and being close to Harry, probably the only person close enough to voice his concern," says royal author Katie Nicholl.

"What was meant as well-intended brotherly advice just riled Harry. He saw that as criticism. I don't think things have been quite right ever since."

She was rumoured to be making a return to Suits, but Woman's Day hears Meghan has bigger plans for her grand Hollywood comeback – she wants to win an Academy Award.

"It's always been her secret ambition," reveals a source.

In December, Meghan's former showbiz agent Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne confirmed that Meghan had plans to return to acting.

"I'm sure she'll make a movie again," Gina said.

However, it's believed William is firmly against the idea.

"Harry is fully supportive but William thinks it's tacky," says a source. "He knows he'd have the support of the Queen in this opinion.

"Everyone's worried this will spark a new chapter in Harry and William's clash over Meghan."

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2209 days ago
Meghan Markle exposed | Woman's Day
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Ireland for Foodie Visitors

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Want to know what we packed alongside Christmas presents when we came to Maine last month? Irish butter. We meant to pack some Irish cream as well, but we thought that might make a much bigger mess if it spilled in the suitcase. We just couldn’t imagine spending the holiday without a little Irish dairy, we are that addicted.

I wrote a piece for Conde Nast Traveler before Christmas about ten foods you have to try when you’re visiting Ireland. It was so hard to narrow the list down to only ten, and there is a very strong dairy theme that will probably become clear pretty quickly! I’d love to hear what you’d add to the list. If I had another ten to add, I’d include Keogh’s crisps and Butler’s hot chocolate. Nothing like starting Monday morning hungry!

The post Ireland for Foodie Visitors appeared first on From China Village.

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3687 days ago
Kerrygold ftw!
Encino, California
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Our day started at 7:30am – an excellent time!! Much better than the 6:15s and 6:45s of yesteryear.


Good morning my love!


We padded into the kitchen for breakfast. Mazen played with a fly while I made him some oatmeal. Are any of you having trouble with flies like we are!?


We shared a few swigs of this amazing Lumi OJ while I prepared our breakfasts


A yogurt and fruit bowl for me. Topped with some of our Great Harvest Blueberry Lemon buckwheat granola and sunbutter.


And oatmeal for Mazen.


After breakfast and the dishes, we snuggled on the couch for a bit and played firetruck before starting to get dressed for the day.


Mazen is really into playing Tent in my bed while I get ready. I managed to take a quick shower and put on make up and clothes throughout one game of tent!


Once we were all dressed, I packed up the diaper bag and we headed to Mazen’s new preschool to hand in some forms for the year.


He said “PRESCHOOL” about 5 times on the ride over. I think he’s excited!


And he was very excited when he saw the giant firetruck on the playground!


After our appt, we went home to change our clothes and join a few friends at the ACAC (my gym’s) waterpark. It’s an additional cost to join, but my friend got us passes to test it out for the day. It’s one amazing spot! I think we’ll have to join next summer.

Not only is there a FENCED IN spray park and baby pool, but there’s a huge water slide, a young kids’ pool, a huuuuuge lap pool, diving boards, a giant sandbox with toys, and a nice snack bar.


Shout out to my new pool + beach bag. I hunted the internet and stores high and low for the ideal beach tote. I found this Whale tote by Saltwater Canvas and knew it was the one. 


It has a million pockets, has tons of room, stands up without tipping and is mesh so it dries fast and sand can fall through! I was in love.


We played for a good 2 hours!


And took a break for a picnic lunch


Mom’s plate, plus 2 more of those great sandwich quarters and more apples!


And Mazen’s. Ugh. He was not into food today and just wanted chips! He also ate a AB&J sandwich quarter and a veggie pouch.


Back at home I unpacked our bag and Mazen played for a little bit before we settled down to read some books. Curious George, of course, and a handful of other favorites. I finally left Mazen playing in his crib.


Naptime usually coincides with MAIL TIME!


I just bought these two favorites from Birchbox! Joan Vass Amethyste perfume and Supergoop’s everyday lotion sunscreen.


Before hitting the computer, I took some photos of our house for an upcoming post! Note the new board and batten!!


I wrote the first half of this post during naptime, edited my house photos, answered about 25 emails (as quickly as possible!), approved comments, finished some paperwork in my inbox, replied to a wedding invitation, folded towels, and wrote the welcome letter for my first Quarterly box! A great naptime success.

Mazen woke up at 4:30 and we had snacks together. He had crackers with almond butter…


…and I had potatoes with yogurt! An odd snack, but great for a 5:45p soccer game.


I had my last summer season soccer game tonight, which is bittersweet because I’m going to miss it until the fall season starts but awesome because I have an epic blister on my heel that needs rest. Duct tape did NOT work!!


Our game was fun because a handful of my girlfriends came to cheer us on!!


Matt snapped these two shots of me at halftime. I guess I was angry we weren’t winning here!


And here I must have been doing the robot…lol


We ended up tying 3:3!

I know it’s probably not best to drink beer right after 70 minutes of hard running, but beer is what I crave : ) 12 oz glass for replenishment.


On soccer game nights we plan easy dinners since I get home after 7. Tonight we had leftover Cook Smarts risotto that Matt turned into risotto cakes. He made it more complicated than it needed to be but for the better!


I had mine with melted cheddar!


And a side of leftover zucchini


Somebody stole half my melted cheese!


After dinner we played pillow games


And then I drew pictures during bath. It’s amazing that Mazen could recognize the figures…firetruck, airplane, bus, helicopter, bike…


And after we read and sang him to sleep, I crashed hard on the couch with Wednesday night’s So You Think You Can Dance!! Love that show. A little Breyers Vanilla ice cream to go with it!

What’s in store for tomorrow?

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3869 days ago
Encino, California
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4262 days ago
To my nurse friends.They didn't have bed alarms in my day but I totally get this.
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